Drawbacks of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Top 5 Sectors

Saba Javed
3 min readJul 3, 2023


Whether we know it or not, Artificial Intelligence (AI) has become an integral part of our lives in recent years, from the smartphone to ordering a portion of food by delivery. Most of these changes have been gradual and larger, rapidly becoming a part of our daily lives.

According to a study, the AI market is anticipated to be worth nearly 100 billion U.S. dollars. By 2030, it will have grown twenty times to almost 2 trillion dollars. However, stories about the rapid acceleration of AI technology have emphasized both the potential benefits and risks.

This article will explore the numerous disadvantages of Artificial Intelligence in the healthcare, marketing, education, creativity, and transportation sectors. But before diving into artificial intelligence’s cons, let’s briefly examine what AI is.

Artificial Intelligence (AI)

AI enables a computer program to think and learn on its own. It is replicating human intelligence (thus, artificial intelligence) into machines to perform tasks that humans would typically perform.

Drawbacks of Artificial Intelligence in the Top Sectors

  1. AI in Healthcare

The downside of AI in the healthcare system is the possibility of ethical and privacy issues. AI systems rely extensively on patient data and sensitive medical information in the healthcare sector. This data must be collected, stored, and used in a secure and privacy-conscious manner.

In 2021, 23% of respondents expressed concern about the impact of AI on privacy in Canada’s healthcare sector. Therefore, patient privacy, data confidentiality, and limiting unauthorized access to personal health information are all essential factors in AI.

2. AI in Marketing

The potential absence of human touch and inventiveness is a significant drawback of AI in marketing. AI can automate some marketing chores and offer data-driven insights. Still, it may fail to replicate the distinctive human qualities of marketing, such as emotional connection, intuition, and creative thinking.

Artificial intelligence algorithms may rely exclusively on data and predetermined patterns, thus missing out on new or out-of-the-box marketing techniques that require human creativity and intuition.

3. AI in Education

The possibility of ethical and privacy issues is the main disadvantage of AI in the education sector. AI systems collect and analyze large amounts of data on students’ performance, behavior, and personal information. Ensuring this data is managed securely and with adequate privacy safeguards is critical.

4. AI in Creativity Industry

AI-generated creative works need more originality and authenticity. However, AI systems can imitate existing styles and patterns. Whether they can be creative in the same sense as humans is still debated.

AI-generated works require more nuance, a deeper emotional connection, and original viewpoints that can only come from personal encounters and human feelings.

5. AI in Transportation

AI in transportation raises ethical and legal issues. For instance, autonomous vehicles pose concerns about who is responsible for accidents. When an AI-controlled car collides, it can be challenging to determine who is at fault.

Additionally, ethical issues like resource allocation or the protection of passengers over pedestrians may need to be considered when AI systems decide on traffic management or accident prevention.


In conclusion, AI has become an integral part of our lives. However, it has drawbacks in healthcare, marketing, education, creativity, and transportation, along with many benefits. It is humans’ most essential duty to guarantee that the rise of AI does not become out of control.

