5 Methods to Boost Your Mental Health and Well-being

Saba Javed
3 min readJun 22, 2023


Your mental health is a vital element of your general well-being throughout life from childhood to adulthood. This component of health and well-being influences the aptitude to function socially, expressively and emotionally. Your mental health and well-being always affect the mechanism of how you think, act and feel. It too stimulates how you deal with your traumas and issues, network with individuals, and make good choices. In general, nowadays people are more concerned about their mental health. Surprisingly, 58 percent of people out of the global population are considering their own mental health and well-being rigorously.

In this article, I will be elaborating on five curial ways where you can take advantage of mental health. If you reflect on them, you might find yourself happier, positive, energetic and able to get the most out of your life.

  1. Connect with Individuals

Healthy and collaborative interactions are always necessary for your well-being. In expression to that, connection with others contributes to evolving a sense of belongingness and self-worthiness, which provides you with a chance to share enjoyable experiences in surroundings. Hence, try to strengthen the relationships with the people around you like family, friends, colleagues and neighbours because it will give you emotional support and better mental health conditions. According to a report, 32 percent of adults in the US love to spend time with family for mental health and wellness.

2. Physically Active

Being physically active improves your mental well-being by increasing your self-esteem. It is also valuable to your physical health and fitness which assist you in setting and achieving goals or challenges and helps to positively shift your mood. Therefore, you might want to take a walk, ride a bike, play a game, exercise, or dance. The most crucial point is to find a physical activity that you love to do and appropriate for your level of flexibility and fitness.

3. Learn new skills

Learning some innovative skills can advance your mental health and well-being by improving self-confidence and self-esteem. Therefore, skills might support you in emerging a sense of purpose and achievement. So why not start a new course, start learning about music or swimming or figure out how to paint or design?

4. Mindfulness

You must be aware of the current passing moment, including how you think and feel about things and how your body responds to threats and negative emotions. This kind of responsiveness is mentioned as mindfulness. It can have a good influence on how you feel and think about life and how you tackle your issues. When you pay more attention to the present moments, you feel better mentally

5. Community Engagement

Do something pleasant for a friend or stranger, say thank you, smile, volunteer, or think about joining a community-based group or event. When you see yourself and your pleasure as connected to the larger community, it may be extremely rewarding which ultimately will foster ties with those who are around you. The acts of compassion and bigheartedness can help improve your mental well-being and health which provides you with a sense of life with purpose and self-worth, connect you with others, and create happy sentiments along with a sense of pleasure. It can range from little acts of sympathy to larger ones such as volunteering in your community.


To sum up, activeness and mindfulness for every moment, learning skills and community engagement which connect you with other individuals are essential for mental health and well-being. We have discussed that acts of compassion and bigheartedness can also help you to improve your mental well-being.

